Woof woof!!
Hello world,
Today’s blog has to do with the furry four legged friends. Yes I am talking about our lovely animals! What kind of animals do you have?
During this quarantine, I know my furry friends have enjoyed my being home more :)
I have a brown miniature wiener dog and two fluffy cats. My dog's name is Lucy, my one cat's name is Raven, and the other is Sadie. Lucy loves to lay around and cuddle while I sit and work on my college assignments. She loves to be outside and suntan :) we have a pretty decent sized yard and she loves to take her ball and play all through the yard. Once she is tired of playing, she will literally stop in her tracks and lay down in the crash and suntan. We have definitely played more fetch than we did when my life was busy.
When it comes to my two cats… they are both super lazy. Sadie is getting old and just likes to sleep on blankets. She loves attention and loves to play every once in a while. The only thing is… she does not like actual cat toys. She prefers to play with plastic bags, pencils and strings. When she was a kitten, I would be doing homework and writing something and out of nowhere, she would come attack me to play with my pencil. Another thing she loves is christmas wrapping paper. When she was a kitten, she loved to play in the wrapping paper and sleep on top of it when it was all in a pile from us unwrapping our christmas presents. Raven is younger than Sadie but is still just as lazy. She likes to be lazy during the day and go crazy at night while everyone is sleeping. During this quarantine she has actually been hurt. She pulled a muscle in her foot somehow. She doesn’t like to walk on it much so she has been extra cuddly and lazy.
The lesson today is to love furry animals and spend as much time with them as you can. They probably love it more than you do.
Stay safe, stay happy, and keep blogging!
The not so busy, busy college kid.
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